Edd Byrnes
Edd ByrnesEdd Byrnes

Edd Byrnes

(11 glasajte)
Edd Byrnes

"Kookie" No More

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Edd Byrnes:Kookie No More by Edd Byrnes is his life story. Some details are pretty blunt, but his real fans won't care.
Give the number of folks who died young because of the self-medication needed to keep their demons at bay, Edd's memoir is important and Edd's memoir comes across with a great deal of honesty. I'm guessing Asa would add a bit more honesty to the story.
Well, this was an eye opener, as a teenager I absolutely loved Ed Byrne's.His life wasn't angelic that's for sure.
I was a publicist at Warner Bros. in 1961-'62 and 77 Sunset Strip was one of my shows.
Like every other adolescent in 1958, I was in love with Kookie, the guy who parked the cars and made wise cracks on "77 Sunset Strip." Edd Byrnes' autobiography begins with the almost-requisite miserable childhood, goes on to drug and alcohol addiction, and, of course, includes much carousing with eager groupies.
Humm, where to begin? This book is trash, Edd Byrne was a terrible flash in the pan actor who is but a mere footnote in TV history.
Edd is a real character ... there are many instances when I found myself saying, "I would have done no different.
This book is a great read. I could not put it down.
Like a kleenex, Hollywood more or less tossed Edd Kookie Byrnes aside when no longer wanted. Following two or three teen-idol glory years, he was left to work the fringes, unable to give up the fast life or celebrity, hoping for another break that for even youthful has-beens seldom comes.
The book is a wonderful inspiration for anyone going through a difficult time. Mr.
Having enjoyed Edd "kookie" Byrnes in "77 Sunset Strip and again as "The Main Brain" Vince Fontaine in Grease as well as the many other parts he did you can imagine my surprise when we met almost 10 years ago. I thought I really got to know Edd until I read his book.
